Seeking help, accepting help

Dooce has a piece today about seeking help and accepting help for mental illness that is a must-read. One of the reasons I actually sought help last year was Dooce’s public discussion of mental illness, and her living proof that Life Goes On. . . that Heather, she’s not just a great writer and photographer, she’s a lifesaver.

6 thoughts on “Seeking help, accepting help

  1. jess

    oh..i’m a big dooce fan…and i must say i thought of YOU when i read this and wondered if you had read it. i’ve been out of the state, so i’m sooo behind on blogging and reading.xoxo

  2. sognatrice

    I love when bloggers make it known that another blogger’s writing has touched them. Thank you for passing this along đŸ™‚

  3. Who She She

    What a well written piece. I get frustrated when people refuse to seek help. It’s almost as if they need to be convinced that they deserve to be happy. Even sadder is parents who refuse to seek help for their children. If their kid was walking around with a limp for two weeks, they’d have them in the doctor’s office. It’s a shame that mental illness is considered so different.


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